This is a simple guide to using my website; it will take less than five minutes to complete
First, go to, and go to your home page
Then, click the three dashes icon
Then, click the settings icon
Then click the accounts center
Then click your information and permissions
Then click download your information
Then click request a download
Then select instagram only, and click next
Then click select types of information
Then click followers and following
Then select next
Then select date range
Then select all time
Then select save
Then click format
Then click JSON
Then click save
Then click submit request
IMPORTANT, it may take a few minutes for them to prepare your download, you will know it is ready when they send you an email, once they send the email, refresh the page
Once you receive the email and reload the page, it should look like this
Then click download
Now go back to the Home page and select choose file
Then select the connections folder
Then select followers and following
Then select followers_1.json, or something similar
Then click upload
Now repeat steps 22-26 with the other upload field, and this time upload the file called following.json, then click compare
Now you are done, you will see a list below of everyone who is not following you back